Feb 12, 2014

woo hoo classic simpsons trivia

in 2012, i made a craigslist missed connection post to a dude i saw on the subway one morning on my way to school. he was a mega hunk and we exchanged some flirtatious smiles and glances.

i received a shit ton of responses, but one dude in particular was convinced that it was him. after an exchange of pictures, it turns out it wasn't him, but he was cute enough that we became friends. it also ended up that he was from niagara and living in toronto. we had a few niagara friends in common and were probably at some of the same social gatherings once or twice but were never introduced.

several months pass and we don't really talk. he barely uses facebook until one day, he messages me and asks if i think i'd be any good at simpsons trivia. i was ecstatic. why yes, i'd probably be pretty decent at it.  he told me about woo hoo classic simpsons trivia toronto and i was stoked. i studied up and in july 2012, made it out to my first trivia night. it was the first time i had met this dude and he brought along a few friends on his team. i don't remember much about how we did in points or questions. i remember one question - what was the name of the babysitting service the simpsons used. yeah, you know, that one. rubber baby buggy bumper babysitting service. needless to say, i didn't get it then and i still had to look it up now.

two things i can definitely recall from the night: this dude was insanely attractive and this was the most fun i've had since moving to toronto. after it was all over, i became friends with the rest of the team and hoped to return the following month. unfortunately, that never seemed to happen. as much as i made attempts to get in touch with the team to go, they never responded. i was at a loss. i figured i'd never get to go again.

in may 2013, i round up a group of friends who know something about the simpsons and we make it out. we did pretty awful but still got something in the 15-20 point range. around this time, i started following some trivia related people on twitter and kept asking if i could join a team. i just wanted to participate in trivia so badly. eventually, i make plans to join a twitter dude's team on twitter and in july 2013, a friend and i ventured out to join this team. the dude himself wasn't actually there but everybody seemed to get along fine and i made some new friends.

i went again in august, october, december, january, and most recently, february. last night was the valentine's day edition. every month we seemed to do better and better but it was difficult to know whether or not we would place in the top 3. in september or november, when i missed those months, one of the winning teams graciously offered my team leftover donuts. my new goal was to at least be present when donuts were offered or, well, you know, actually come in the top 3 and get donuts for myself.

last night, we came in second place! donuts were glorious and surprisingly, i did the best i've ever done at trivia by knowing the answers to nearly 95% of all questions asked. born to runner up. next month, we place in first. with a perfect score (50/50) like the team first place team did in february.


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